Which Star Trek TV Series/Movies do you prefer?

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Captain Taiga Aisaka
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Which Star Trek TV Series/Movies do you prefer?

Post by Captain Taiga Aisaka »

Ok, so I guess this has probably been asked in every simming fleet out there, but I always like to see other people's views on this question. So which Star Trek TV Series or movies do you like the best and why, also where did you discover it and become so attached to it?!

Well I'll start shall I.

I have two favorite series, and I'll start with Voyager. I first saw Voyager years ago when it was on TV here in the UK. At the time I had nothing better to do and I watched it right from the third episode in season 1 right up until the very end relgiously every night! I thought Voyager was an awesome series, the main goal of getting home but then getting home in style and having subplots along the way. In thought that some of the episodes were well thought out and written, others not so much. I also liked the fact that it showed on TV what humans will do to stick together when lost!

Another favorite of mine has to be The Next Generation! Now I didn't want TNG for a long time until I saw most of Voyager. But I thought that TNG was a good damn series, yes there was a new story every week and I liked that. Also I thought that the characters were brilliant, my favourite of course being Data! Star Trek TNG made me completly fall in love with all Star Trek and I still watch it over and over again!

So for me, TNG and Voyager made me who I am today, hence why I command a Galaxy Class and Intrepid Class! So what series do you guys like?
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Timothy Harrison
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Re: Which Star Trek TV Series/Movies do you prefer?

Post by Timothy Harrison »

TNG. I caught my first glimpse of it at age 4, though I understood very little of it. I started watching it seriously in about 2007, then proceeded to the others. So, in order of preference: TNG > VOY > ENT > DS9 > TOS. I really don't like TOS, though I do like the TOS movies.
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Curzon Bennett
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Re: Which Star Trek TV Series/Movies do you prefer?

Post by Curzon Bennett »


Deep Space 9. Seriously, I cannot emphasise how good I find this interpretation of Trek - darker, moodier, and possibly more realistic depiction of the future than either TNG or TOS ever managed to put across.

Add to it too the complex storylines that swirl around one another - by the end you have two or three, the War, Sisko being the Emissary and the Mirror Universe one that pops up occasionally. That's not to mention ones that were resolved earlier in the form of the Maquis and so on.

Excellent scripts - to be quite honest, I thought that their weakest episodes were dispensed with in seasons 1-2, and from then on in most of the stuff is golden, classic Trek. Excellent cast too. Avery Brooks was clearly the strongest, and a few of the episodes he directed are some of my favourite episodes of all of Star Trek.

I also have a sneaking liking of Enterprise - hence why I agreed to become the XO of the Gemini.

As for the films? Undiscovered Country is my favourite by far, simply because it's Russians in space with the Klingons having their own Chernobyl and having to reach out to the Federation like Gorbachev had to do when acknowledging the real thing, the beginnings of Glasnost and Persestroika, all done in quite a sensitive and realistic manner. Though I will conceded the best TOS movie is Khan. Hands down.
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Re: Which Star Trek TV Series/Movies do you prefer?

Post by MahoNTakahashi »

Even though nobody's posted here in over a decade; I'll go ahead and throw my opinions in the ring:

For a favorite series; I'd probably say there are two that immediately come to mind; the first is Deep Space 9, due to its nostalgia value for me: My parents agree that DS9 is the best series, so I'm naturally going to hold DS9 in high regards as their son. But nostalgia aside, I love how DS9 provides a "reality check" on Roddenberry's utopia, and it explored things not typically expected of a Star Trek series, including a whole war! The series is home to a host of great episodes, including "His Way", "The Siege of AR-558", and "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" (which, expect an entry in the episode-specific thread on why I think that's the best Star Trek Episode)

The other one is a bit more controversial, though I feel, with the rise of modern Star Trek (Discovery and so forth), that people have become a bit more accepting of this one; and that's Enterprise. There are a few things I love about this series; the first being its timeliness: "Broken Bow" premiered a little over two weeks after 9/11, and I like to think that after such a dark day, we kinda needed some Star Trek in our lives. The second reason I enjoy Enterprise is the aesthetic the show managed to accomplish, and how it managed to bridge the gap between contemporary spaceflight and Star Trek; with a look and feel that was hyper advanced for contemporary spaceflight, but primitive by Star Trek standards, and lastly; I think Enterprise has the best mirror universe episode in all of Star Trek, and that's including modern Star Trek, with the epic two-parter "In A Mirror, Darkly" (Hmmm... Maybe I should make my best episode essay on that instead?)

As far as the films go; with the original films (including the TNG films), no doubt that honor would have to go to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. It's a good bit of time-travelling fun while at the same time subtly feeding us a message to "save the whales." But if we're talking the JJ films, I would have to say Beyond is a pretty good film, because a) it's directed by Justin Lin and not JJ, so I can actually understand what's happening, b) serves as a touching tribute to both Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin, C) features an Enterprise style ship (see me singing Enterprise's praises above), and just overall does JJ Trek right.
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