Introduce Yourself

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Aric Barclay
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Aric Barclay »

My name is Phillip Cox, Deputy Commander of Theta Fleet. I’m 25 years old and have been simulating since my sophomore year in high school. I initially started in the RyDin community of AOL learning free-form role-playing and slowly advanced from there. I’ve participated in many many different role plays from high school, to yakauza to Star Wars and I have a passion for them all. Only in the last five years have I discovered my love for Star Wars and slowly turned all my attention to the same.

I’m a United States Marine Corps sergeant and currently member of the Kentucky National Guards 20th Special Forces Group out of Louisville KY. I’m in college studying political science in hopes of landing a internship I have been working very hard for with the United States Marshals Service.

I have only served as a CO on three ships, the USS Palamedes currently being only the third ship I have commanded. I have however served in a vast selection of fleets. Obsidian, Horizon, Alpha, Bravo, Starfleet Central Command, and several other independent simulations. I now solely simulate on Theta Fleet Sims and work exclusively with and for this fleet.

Finchley Kerr

Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Finchley Kerr »

Hello everyone,

My name's Drew, and I'm one of the newbies to come along and join Theta Fleet. I'm from Scotland (yes, home of the haggis and people with ginger hair!), I'm about to turn 43, but for the moment can still say that (in my head anyway) I'm still reasonably a young 42 :-)

I've been role playing on TT since 1982 and simming on the internet since 1988, starting of with Steven Vear and then the original First Fleet (another has come about since that fleet wound up, but as far as I'm aware, it's not the same people who ran it when I was a part of it). I was also a member in Spartan Fleet for a great many years as XO on the USS Allied Zorro and also as JAG, till the fleet split and I went along with Admiral T'Lea and became Director of Administrative Affairs then eventualy JAG at Serenity Fleet, along with being Starbase XO at Starbase 532.

Along the way I've written in a few independant ST games as well as a couple of fleet game at Obsidian Fleet (though I do have to say that in the end, the politics at Obsidian Fleet put me off and I left), as well as at couple of games in Horizon Fleet, though now I'm only in 1 there, the USS Oberon.

My only current CO role is in Bravo Fleet where I'm CO of the USS Exeter, but I do have a few years experience as a CO having had my own independant game for several years.

I helped out as a Fleet advisor at Raptor Fleet, Crossroads Fleet and Sagitarrius Fleet, something I don't mind doing as it's helping pass along the experience that I've gained in the years I've been simming to other people so it helps them out.

I've also had a couple of years as a Senator in The Simming League, as well as writing my own interview page, though I've since retired from the League.

Star Trek shows wise, I still believe TOS is the best, shaky scenery, props and all. Other programmes I like are The West Wing (by far and away by a multitude of miles the best political series EVER written and shown on tv), House of Cards, Babylon 5, Dr Who, Blakes 7 (and yes, I got to meet Gareth Thomas, Blake himself!), Shameless (the UK version), Time Team (I love archeology), My Family, New Tricks, Upstairs, as you can see, there's very much a mixture, it's not all Sci-Fi :-)

I haven't applied for any particular game here in Theta Fleet, but if anyones looking for a Chief Operations Officer, perhaps you could give me a buzz :-)

I hope to get to chat with some of you online, sounds like a really nice group of people here.

Tak care all,


"Braces pullingly nice chappy!"


Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Ongaku-Chi »

Welcome aboard :D

Glad to have you around. The Operations department is a rare concept for people to play. I'm sure you'll find it about, on a few of the ships.


As a side note, to further garner interest, there is a part of this forum, which is for players looking for simms, where you can write the character up, to allow the COs who use this forum(Most, if not all), to browse it, and discuss it with you. :)

Finchley Kerr

Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Finchley Kerr »


Thanks for the warm welcome. I did put in my initial application to join Theta Fleet that I'd like to take on an Operations position yes, so if anyone wants to message me with details of their game so I can have a look, please feel free to do so :-)

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Serena Jones
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Serena Jones »

I guess I'll step up to the plate

Hello I'm Haleigh Some of you may already know me from various places. I've been simming for six years know.. and it don't seem that long to be honest. I'm warm and friendly and love to post with others. I'm a huge fan of Star Trek, FireFly, Lexx, Farscape, True Blood, Weeds, Startroopers, X-Men. I love movies off all kinds. If you are on one of the sims I'm on hit me up some time or here.. :D
Lt. (JG) Serena Jones
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Calypso

Lt. Cmdr Ahona
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John Talyn
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by John Talyn »

Well I suppose I'd better say a few lines. lets see about me umm well I am Jonathan and I ve simmed on and off since about 1995, mostly star trek though I did do stargate simming for a while. I love all sci-fi mostly its trek and star wars for me these days. I spend my average day playing online games or trying to make my own. I am in the UK England in the North East not that far from scotland. I suppose thats it for now I ll add more later on.
In desperate need for crew and help.

Timothy Harrison
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Timothy Harrison »

I'm Fred, aka the Almighty Creator and Supreme Leader of the Garden Gnomes, and my simming history is very complex. I started out in Horizon Fleet as the Chief Sec/Tac and 2O of the USS Taurus, a PbBB simm. Then the XO left, and without asking me, they promoted me. Then the CO became inactive, and I was promoted again. I was 13 at the time, and had been simming for like 2 months or so, so I don't exactly know why they did it, but I went along with it because the simm was near-inactive anyway. It was quickly closed down, and for a short while I joined the Amazon. Someone from Fleet Command who shall remain nameless then advertised the position of Chief of Advertising and, upon further inquiry, made it sound really creative and the sort of thing I'd like to do, but I ended up getting fed up because all I did was said person's dirty work. In light of this, I left HF and joined Obsidian Fleet, where I had the "luck" of continually and inadvertently joining simms which were on the brink of collapse. Having had enough, I started my own Fleet with a friend of mine, but after three months we ended up having about 2 ships and 3 players, so we threw the proverbial towel.

I took a break from simming until 2010, when I joined Lima Fleet. Unfortunately, that quickly became relatively inactive too, but I liked the people there, so I stayed, hoping it would become active again. The problem they had (or, have?) is that their entire Command Staff have very busy lives and could thus only post once in a blue moon. Anyhow, I was afflicted with a neurological problem for a few months from June on, which saw me spend most of my free time in doctors' practices (note: private practices aren't a snobby thing here in Europe, they're normal, you only tend to go to hospitals for surgery). I returned ready to simm again, but Marcus had (rightfully) suspended all the Lima Fleet simms. I mailed him, telling him I'd still like to simm, so I joined Prometheus Fleet after he recommended it. When Prometheus Fleet re-joined Theta Fleet, so did I. So now here I am - "Hier stehe ich, und kann nicht anders" ;)
CAPT Jerad O'Neill
Theta Fleet Chief of Science

CAPT Timothy Harrison PhD
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Hyperion (NCC-4742-B)

LTCDR Jirona Magan
Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Alabama (NCC-72492)

LT George Deacon PhD
Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Jefferson (NCC-13721)


Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Ongaku-Chi »

We, of the Forum Garden Gnomes, and associated decorations would like to take this time, to point out the false prophet, and distance ourselves from his evil plans for world conquering. We also, hereby refuse to follow any commands issued from him, and solemnly swear to do our part to save the planet from his evil, and dastardly plannings. Of doom. And destructions. And stuff.

That is all.

Edit: Dangit! I didn't get to put "Apocalyptic" in there. -.-

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Captain Taiga Aisaka
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Captain Taiga Aisaka »

Soooooo you want to know who I am!!!

Well where to start, where to start...

First of all my real name is Will and quite a few people know me by my CO's name which is EW or Woodhouse or Emily Woodhouse. So I command the USS Relentless which has joined today and is offically the newest ship in the fleet (And the only Intrepid Class too)

About me... well I'm 19 and in my final year at College in the UK. Hoping to go to Uni next september and become a primary school teacher. I've been simming for over 3 years now and can't actually remember which ship I started on or where! Anyways, I'm around usually for a chat or natter if you need a Star Trek Voyager Expert... thats me! :D
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo & Area 51

Commodore Kaede Kayano
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USS Yamato

Captain Kagami Izumi
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Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Commander Ritsu Tainaka
Head of Theta Fleet Corps of Engineering & Deputy Director of Fleet Technology

Timothy Harrison
Posts: 34
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:50 pm

Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Timothy Harrison »

Welcome, Will! I'm confident Theta Fleet will be the right fleet for you...

...unless you anger the garden gnomes.
CAPT Jerad O'Neill
Theta Fleet Chief of Science

CAPT Timothy Harrison PhD
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Hyperion (NCC-4742-B)

LTCDR Jirona Magan
Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Alabama (NCC-72492)

LT George Deacon PhD
Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Jefferson (NCC-13721)

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