Proposed New Award Images for 2012 - Level 1 Images

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Captain Taiga Aisaka
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Proposed New Award Images for 2012 - Level 1 Images

Post by Captain Taiga Aisaka »

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night depending on your geographical location. As of today 01/01/2012 I am asking all members of Theta Fleet to voice opinions on the new award system that I propose in co-ordination with monthly reports and the command staff.

All the following awards have been taken off the Integrated Fleet System (IFS) and I have spent the last few hours making up some nice looking images for them. All images will be uploaded to the IFS shortly and I would like the CO's to start using them.

Below are the proposed new images for all level 1 images. Level 2 and Level 3 images will be ready for shortly. Please watch out for the other levels coming within the next few days.

Level 1 Awards

Advancement Ribbon
Awarded to individuals that pass a ship-based course of study as established by the Commanding Officer, be it inter-departmental training, phaser or combat training, or specialized departmental training.

Air Medal
Awarded for exemplary service while piloting a craft or ship.

Bronze Star
Officers who put themselves in grave danger by going far beyond the normal call of duty qualify for this medal.

Captain’s Honor Award
Awarded to individuals deemed worthy by the Commanding Officer.

Character Development Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that develops their character in a believable manner over a series of posts.

Civilian Contribution Ribbon
In recognition of the great elements a civilian player character lends to the game in character.

Commissioning Ribbon
Awarded to all individuals that actively participate in a ship’s Shakedown Mission.

Crew's Choice Award
Awarded to an individual as determined by the ship’s crew.

Cupid Award
Awarded for establishing a meaningful romantic relationship, either with another character or an NPC.

Distinguished Newcomer Award
This award is given to any new player that distinguishes themselves and makes themselves known to the other members of the ship.

Distinguished Volunteer Award
Awarded to an individual that volunteers their spare time to help the simm and/or the Fleet in a significant way, such as designing graphics for use on the site or helping with site maintenance.

Doyle Mystery Award
Awarded to an individual that develops a Mystery storyline.

Duane Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that demonstrates exceptional writing skills.

Friendship Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that develops a convincing and meaningful friendship with another character or NPC. (Romantic relationships qualify for the Cupid Award instead.)

Funny Bone Award
Awarded to an individual that writes humorous posts.

Good Conduct Ribbon
This ribbon is awarded to individuals that consistantly demonstrate the qualities of a Starfleet Officer, both on and off duty, as determined by the Commanding Officer.

Improvement Award
Awarded to an individual that shows a marked improvement from the previous month.

Longevity Cross
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 24 consecutive months.

Longevity Medal
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 12 consecutive months.

Longevity Ribbon
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 6 consecutive months.

Longevity Star
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 18 consecutive months.

Marksmanship Award
For recognition of firearm abilities.

Mission Development Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that is instrumental in developing the current mission through quality, easy to understand posts.

Non-Player Character Ribbon
Awarded for the detailed creation of Non-Player Characters.

Player of the Month Award
Awarded to an individual that goes above and beyond what is expected of them.

Purple Heart
Awarded to an individual seriously injured in the line of duty.

Recruitment Award
Awarded for successfully recruiting someone.

Rivalry Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that develops a convincing and heated rivalry with another character or NPC.

Teamwork Award
Awarded to the crew member that shows considerable talent in working with other crewmembers to create a winning plot line worthy of the vessel's reputation.

Tour of Duty: Breen
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Breen space.

Tour of Duty: Cardassian
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Cardassian space.

Tour of Duty: Deep Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission in Deep space.

Tour of Duty: Dominion Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Dominion space.

Tour of Duty: Federation Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission in the heart of Federation space.

Tour of Duty: Ferengi
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Ferengi space.

Tour of Duty: Gorn
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Gorn space.

Tour of Duty: Klingon
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Klingon space.

Tour of Duty: Mirror Universe
Awarded to all individuals that participate in a mission in a Mirror Universe.

Tour of Duty: Romulan
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Romulan space.

Tour of Duty: Tholian
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Tholian space.

Treknobabble Commendation
Awarded to players who work treknobabble into their posts, making the fantastic sound believable.

Unsung Hero Award
For recognition of support actions in character.

Warrior’s Soul Award
For writing believable and exciting battle posts.

So let me know what you all think :)
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo & Area 51

Commodore Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Commander Ritsu Tainaka
Head of Theta Fleet Corps of Engineering & Deputy Director of Fleet Technology

Timothy Harrison
Posts: 34
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:50 pm

Re: Proposed New Award Images for 2012 - Level 1 Images

Post by Timothy Harrison »

To be quite frank, I prefer the old, ribbon-style awards. They're...well, ribbons. They make more sense, even though your images are quite nice, so I'd prefer staying with the ribbons :)
CAPT Jerad O'Neill
Theta Fleet Chief of Science

CAPT Timothy Harrison PhD
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Hyperion (NCC-4742-B)

LTCDR Jirona Magan
Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Alabama (NCC-72492)

LT George Deacon PhD
Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Jefferson (NCC-13721)

Samuel Kelly
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:15 pm
Role: Lt. Commander
Location: Longmont, CO; USA.

Re: Proposed New Award Images for 2012 - Level 1 Images

Post by Samuel Kelly »

Oh my! Emily, I quite like the images you've created; they're rather spectacular to be quite honest. It's their very uniqueness that helps to differentiate Theta Fleet from among the many other Star Trek role-playing game fleet's throughout the web. In fact, most merely rely on the ribbon-style and have yet to boldly venture out into the creative realm in which you stepped out into. I'm very excited to see what you and Will are coming up with at this very moment. :) Fantastic work!
Lieutenant Commander Samuel R. Kelly, Chief Medical Officer
USS Nightingale, NCC-1910
Theta Fleet's Task Force 42, codenamed Centaur; Task Group 42-1, codenamed Cerberus

With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician, in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.

Theta Fleet's one and only medically-centric role-playing game; the best medical drama ever told circa 2305. Oh, and did I mention it's an Oberth-class starship. I mean, come on! How epic is that?!

Skype with me! My handle is cuzinvinnie01.


Re: Proposed New Award Images for 2012 - Level 1 Images

Post by Ongaku-Chi »

Stamp of Approval from the Deputy Director of Information Services

I care not, whether these are officially selected as the 'official theta fleet award' images. I'm using them on the Edison. Deal

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