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Finchley Kerr


Post by Finchley Kerr »


I'm looking for people to put up thier favourite recipes please. I don't have a huge amount of cullinary diversity, so it'd be nice to read recipes from different countries.


John Talyn
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Re: Recipes.

Post by John Talyn »

umm well I am mostly good at cakes, one of my favorate ones is:

Spiced Coffe Cake
Preparation time 25 mins
Cooking time 20 mins

Ingredients (UK mesurments)
150ml (1/4 pint) fresh single cream
175g (6oz) butter (or margerine)
175g (6oz) soft brown sugar (or use hard and wack it with a rolling pin for a bit)
2 (size 2) eggs (crack them into a bowl and beat them)
250g (9oz) self raising flour
1 1/2 teaspoons mixed spice (all spice does the same job)
1 tablespoon instant coffee (mix it in a cup with some boiling water)
100g (4oz) (or one small tub) of glace cherries cut into quarters (really sticky and messy)

75g (3oz) flour (any)
1 level teaspoon mixed spice (all spice)
50g (2oz) demerara sugar
40g (1 1/2 oz) butter (or margerine)
Method (or how to)
1.Preheat a moderate oven (gas 4, 350 deg. Farenhight, 180 deg. Celcios.) place in the middle of the oven.

2. cream the butter and sugar untill soft and light.

3. add the eggs and coffee gradualy beating well after each addition.

4 sift together flour, mixed spice and cheeries.

5. Add the cream and stir together untill evenly mixed.

6. Turn the mixture into a greased 20cm (8 inch) loose bottomed cake tin (or what ever cake tin you have available.

7. make the topping by mixing the flour with the spice and sugar then rubbing in the butter untill the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. scatter the topping evenly over the cake.

8. Bake the cake for about 1 hour 20 mins untill the centre feels firm (stick a knife in if it comes out clear thats a good sign the cake is cooked). Cool the cake before removing it from the tin then enjoy with a nice cup of coffee. (can also be made with out the coffee)
Thats my fav cake recepy though. I do have many other stuff and I am from the UK England.
In desperate need for crew and help.


Re: Recipes.

Post by Ongaku-Chi »

Adam's Rib.(Pun Intended)

Preparation time Alot of mins
Cooking time
Stage 1: 2-4 hours
Stage 2: Until Brown

Ingredients, Per 2 Racks of Ribs(Feeds approx. Four, or 2 really hungry guys, or 1 really hungry really fat guy. Or, possibly, if you are lucky, one pregnant woman.)
2 Racks of Ribs(Lrg. Preferred. Smaller rib sizes will feed less.)
2 Cups of Kraft Original Barbeque sauce.(If replacing with non-local variation, Kraft Original is a sweet Barbeque sauce severely lacking on the spicy kick, which is intentional, as this Barbeque sauce is geared towards flavour, rather than scalding your mouth off.)
1/4 Cup Ketchup
Either 1 clove of garlic, minced EXTREMELY fine, or about a tablespoon of Garlic Powder, or a teaspoon of Garlic Salt. If you like Garlic, you can double these. I like Garlic. I double them. The recipe only calls for these measurements, however.
1 pinch, Cinnamon (Wtf, you say? I say, Oh yes.)
1 table spoon, Curry Powder(Sounds weak, I know. I use potent Curry powder, and this is Rib sauce. Flavour of spice. If you like Spice, adjust this to taste.)
1 table spoon, Honey(Thickening Agent. Optional. Can be replaced by substituting 1/4 cup ketchup, with a thicker barbeque sauce. Bullzeye comes recommended. Especially Honey Garlic, or Hickory Smoke flavour.)
1 pinch salt(Unless you used Garlic salt. In which case, skip.)
1 tea spoon pepper
3 Diced Peppers(Varies by how spicy you want it)
1/4 cup diced Pinneapple(Varies by how spicy you want it. The Pineapple will kill a lot of the spice in the sauce, so if you are catering to spice fans, skip it.)

This recipe is adjustable. If you don't like certain aspects of it, most of my recipes are 'something's missing' recipes, and are usually easily adjustable.

Preparation Stage 1:
In a large pot, put both racks of Ribs(You may need more than one pot) inside, and add sufficient water to cover them, plus about two inches(Depending on height of pot). Put the pot(s) on the stove, and set the elements to about 1/4 the way between Medium, and High(Which should be 6, or 7, if your stove has dials.) This should equate to a small boil(Little bubbles). If you do not have little bubbles, or if your bubbles are too high, your stove is messed, and you will have to adjust, accordingly.

Cover the pot, leaving a slip for the steam to come out, and turn the fan above the stove on, to help keep the smoke alarms from complaining.(Our's is picky. This is optional, if your smoke alarm is intelligent enough to pick the difference between steam, and smoke.) Let boil for approximately 2-4 hours.

"WHAT? 2-4 HOURS?"
Yeah. Two to Four hours. It gets your meat nice and tender. Otherwise you get really chewy ribs.

Preparation, Stage 2:(You should, at this point, have about 15 mins left before your ribs are done boiling.)
Take everything I put in the "Sauce" ingredients list, except the diced vegetables or fruit at the end, and put it into a pot, in order. Turn on low(Numeric Dial 3), and mix it all about. Really good. Leave it on low, and cover it, once it's mixed.(Covering is essential, or it bloops ALL OVER your stove top.) Stir once every 5 minutes until the Ribs are done. After the second stir(10 minutes), turn the barbeque on medium.(Gives the Barbeque time to heat up.)

Grill time!
Using a sauce brush, or spoon(As available), rub the sauce on the Ribs, top side first. This sauce should be very sticky. If it isn't, add more Barbeque sauce/honey(Depending on personal taste). You may need to add a touch more curry, or garlic, to account for added volume(Again, depending on personal taste). Top side first is important.

Why? Because you put the Top side down, on the barbeque. You are just browning it, at this point. I prefer the tops a bit charred, so basically, when the sauce turns a little black, you're good to flip it. Before you flip it, though, make sure to brush sauce on the bottom side. Try and leave the top a bit sticky, though.

Why? Here's why! Now, you put the diced pineapple/peppers on top, of course! Wait for the bottom to brown, and serve straight off the grill. Chips(either variant), or mashed potatoes(Or fried mashed potatoes). None of that sissy salad stuff.(Otherwise, I refuse any, and all credit for this recipe. Seriously.)

Timothy Harrison
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Re: Recipes.

Post by Timothy Harrison »

I could post a huge collection of German, Italian and Italo-German recipes...except, they're in German :D

I guess I can translate a few. Here's my favorite Italo-German snack; it's called a "Pizza Sandwich":
- 4 slices of white bread (sandwich bread)
- butter
- Italian herbal mix
- Gouda, Leerdamer or Edamer Cheese (basically, any mild, ordinary cheese)
- Heinz tomato ketchup
- small cherry tomatoes (cut in half)

- cutting board
- knife
- large frying pan

Begin by taking one slice of bread and cutting a cheese slice in a manner that it fits perfectly onto the sandwich. You should have a little bit left over; you can just put that on top, preferrably in the center. You then add the ketchup onto the cheese. Make sure it isn't too thick, or it will ooze out, which you only want the cheese to do, if at all. You then add the Italian herbs to taste, put the tomatoes on top of that, and add some more of the herbs. To top it off, you place another slice of cheese cut exactly the same way as the first one on to all of it, and then add the second slice of bread. Next, you butter both outside sides of the sandwich. You may be inclined to just add the butter to the pan, but the bread will brown better and more evenly if you butter it rather than smacking it into a pan full of molten butter. You repeat this for the second sandwich. Then, you add both of them to a large frying pan and cook them on low heat, so the cheese has a chance to melt before the bread browns. Once the bread is reasonably brown, and the cheese molten, take out of the pan and serve! Two of these sandwiches are a good medium luncheon for one person; as a snack it is recommended to make only one sandwich and serve that, cut in half, to two people.
It's basically a grilled cheese sandwich, but better.
CAPT Jerad O'Neill
Theta Fleet Chief of Science

CAPT Timothy Harrison PhD
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Hyperion (NCC-4742-B)

LTCDR Jirona Magan
Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Alabama (NCC-72492)

LT George Deacon PhD
Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Jefferson (NCC-13721)

Curzon Bennett
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Re: Recipes.

Post by Curzon Bennett »

Actually, go ahead and post some in German - I can read it.

Mostly I'll eat anything, though German dishes with spaezl are quite often my favourite. :)
Commodore Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer, USS Jefferson.
Captain Piers Figes
Commanding Officer, Starbase Phoenix.

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Timothy Harrison
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Re: Recipes.

Post by Timothy Harrison »

Fair enough, then. I don't think I have anything with Spätzle, as that is southern German cuisine, whereas I live in the Rhineland. This for example is a traditional Rhenish recipe, incidentally jotted down by my great grandmother, so it contains some antiquated German and Rhenish dialect (esp. Erdäpfel = potatoes, cf. French pommes de terre). I hope you can read it nevertheless.


Man nehme:
12 große Erdäpfel
3 Zwiebeln
2 Eier
8 Esslöffel Mehl
1 Esslöffel Sauere Sahne
Bratfett (Schmalz sei nicht zu verwenden)
Prise Salz
Prise Geriebene Muskatnuss

Man reibe die Erdäpfel in kleine Streifen, bestens auf der Reibe, sist jedoch auch mit Messer zu bewalten. Die Zwiebeln können in kleine Würfel getheilt werden. Man salze darauf die Erdäpfel und vermenge sie mit Zwiebeln und Eiern, füge das Muskatpulver und die sauere Sahne bei und vermenge abermals gründlich den Teig. Dieser sei dann im Mehle zu bedecken. Eine Pfanne gilt es auf dem Herde zu erhitzen, wobei genügend Fett fließen muß, daß der Theig schwimmen kann. Also das Fett fließt, ist der Theig ein zu legen. Also die Reibekuchen goldig braun erscheinen, seien sie heraus zu nehmen, worauf sie auf Papier austrocknen sollen. Servieren, bestens mit Apfel-Mus.
CAPT Jerad O'Neill
Theta Fleet Chief of Science

CAPT Timothy Harrison PhD
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Hyperion (NCC-4742-B)

LTCDR Jirona Magan
Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Alabama (NCC-72492)

LT George Deacon PhD
Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Jefferson (NCC-13721)

Curzon Bennett
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Re: Recipes.

Post by Curzon Bennett »

Erdaepfel stumped me for a moment, it's true!

Whereabouts in the Rhineland do you live? I spent a year working in a town called Germersheim a few years ago.

The recipe certainly looks tasty! Copied for sure!
Commodore Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer, USS Jefferson.
Captain Piers Figes
Commanding Officer, Starbase Phoenix.

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Captain Taiga Aisaka
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Re: Recipes.

Post by Captain Taiga Aisaka »

Okay, here's my own recipe for a really simple and nice Pasta Sauce I used for making Pasta Bakes with chicken or tuna.

Mayonaise (Can be Garlic Mayonaise)
Philadelphia Cheese (Or soft cheese of your liking)


To make the sauce melt some butter in the pan, depending on how much you want. Add flour and stir around quickly not to burn to make a mashy yellowy paste, don't make it lumpy keep stiring fast to make it nice and smooth. Then depending on how much sauce you want add in the milk and then gently stir back and forwards to gradually thicken (DO NOT BOIL). Then just as it is thickening add in the Mayonaise and Philadelphia Cheese. Stir this in slowly and bring the sauce to a slight simmer. You can now add any seasoning such as pepper or mixed herbs into the mix to give it a bit more flavour. Once simmered leave to cool slightly before mixing in with Pasta, Chicken or Tuna.

This is a really nice light sauce, sorry I can't do much else :P
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo & Area 51

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USS Yamato

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