Introduce Yourself

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Richard Cruz
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Richard Cruz »

Dang, it's been like two years since anyone has posted on here. Looks like I join Theta a few years ago and never introduced myself here, better late than never...right?

Anyway, my real name is Mike and I've been simming since late 2007 or early 2008, so about 9 years. I started off in Obsidian Fleet on Chris' ship, the Freedom, I think. About a week or two later I joined the Merlin which has evolved to the Pegasus now. I was on the Galahad, the McCoy, Calypso, DS 5, D'ama and a few others I can't remember. The CO of the Merlin got tired of the politics in OF so the Merlin went indy. I finally left all the Sims in OF. The Merlin was renamed Pegasus and changed from an Excalibur class to Akira. The host vanished on us and we lost everything. Lupe from Band of Brothers hosted the Pegasus and a couple others in which I get an to CO. Later, Band of Brothers got hacked twice so they stopped hosting sims. Charlie was nice enough to to take all our sims in and the Pegasus changed from an Akira class to the only Olympic class Medical ship in Theta Fleet.

So there we are, who's next??

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by ZenNeniphim »

Hey guys, my name is Tony. I've been active with Theta fleet for longer than I can remember. I'm a single father of two wonderful kids and got my start in Yahoo chat rooms. (Those were the days huh?) I came here when a fleet I was involved with became boring, joining the USS Orion because I was bored. I stayed with the sim when it was rebranded the Calypso and haven't really left except for a few times when life got the better of me. I'm a published author, electrician by trade, but I'll work anything but that after an accident on a job site almost cost me my life. I've played Leroy Mangalia on the Orion/Calypso for as long as I've been here, and just started as the new CO of the USS Zeus.

I really have no life except my writing, my kids, and this fleet. I'm proud to be a part of it, and hope to see more and more people come here to have fun with the players I've come to know in my time here. I'm always available for questions, comments, concerns and always ready to learn something new. It's nice to meet all of you here.

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Bobby »

Hope its okay to post in this thread that hasn't been posted in for a while!

I'm Bobby, I've recently joined Theta Fleet as the Commanding Officer of Deep Space 13. A little bit about me, I am 31 years old, I live in a little town in England, in West Sussex (my county or state). I am a Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner, working an environment where I support individuals with Autism within an education setting and also residential setting, using the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis within the framework of Positive Behaviour Support to identify what the function of any behaviours of concern a person displays. Alongside this role, I am also one of the Lead Trainers for our positive approaches to managing behaviour and various other topics, including leading on the development training.

I have been writing for 19 years, which makes me feel very old! I look forward to writing with you!

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by MahoNTakahashi »

Right, so I suppose a proper introduction is in order:

Greetings, everyone: My name is Michael; and contrary to what I've been seeing here; I'm actually a fairly new face in the simming world, though I've been writing and telling stories for far longer than I can remember. As far as simming goes, in less than ten days from the time of writing, I'll have been on the Tokyo for two whole years! Quite impressive, considering I didn't have plans to stick around that long in the beginning. Anyone who knows me from that time probably remembers my OG character; Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato, the Tokyo's former air boss, who was quite the a-hole. He's since been retired, and my current character on the Tokyo is Captain Chiyo Shimada, the marine commander.

In addition to my longstanding run on the Tokyo, I've also recently joined Theta Fleet as a commanding officer, who was also Nakazato's best friend from the Academy, Commander Maho Takahashi. You might have heard of her (and by extension, my) command, the New Orleans class USS Myogi, be it from the newsletter or via the ads I've posted up in the Discord server. The conditions of the Myogi coming to Theta Fleet were rather... Unique, and since this is a public forum, I won't go into detail, but safe to say, it was quite a mess.

Then, about a year ago, after I had been simming for about a year, I made the terrible mistake of letting my brother Matthew in on my hobby, and he joined the Tokyo same as I had done, and he's since branched out from there, and recently, he started up the USS Europa with me as his XO. It is interesting to note that there are actually only 3 sims we're both on: The Tokyo, the Myogi, and the Europa.

As for a little more on me as a person; I'm currently 21, about to turn 22. I'm a car nut: Been that way as long as I can remember, and I'm also a budding otaku. I love playing board and card games that aren't your typical "Monopoly" and "Deck of 54" games (though I do collect old airline, cruise ship, hotel, railroad, etc. playing card decks. It's a thing I do when visiting antique malls) I live in the northwest suburbs of the "great" city of Chicago. Safe to say, it gets quite cold here in the winter months, but we do have some killer deep dish pizza. Not enough to get me to stay here though: Especially when the particular pizza place that's home to said pizza does nationwide shipping.

Okay, I think I've gone on long enough here: I'll pass it off to the next person who wishes to introduce themselves, whoever or whenever that might be. Thank you all for having me, and I look forward to our continued acquaintance!
Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Patricia Cooke
Commanding Officer
USS Missouri

Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden
First Officer
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space K-9

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer
USS Tokyo

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Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:38 am

Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by stargirlcass »

Hello!! I am Cass, known around Al Gore's Internet as "StarGirlCass" or "TheSpicyBajoran."

I am currently XO of the USS Astrea, and the Chief Helmsman over at the Unicorn.

Other than that, I also XO a game at 16th Fleet, and GM a Stargate SIM.

IRL I am a nurse at a care home for adults with developmental disabilities, which keeps me busy. I also do Renaissance Re-enactment in what little free time I have.

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