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USS Seraphina - Alternate Universe Simulation

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:33 am
by jasoncollege24
It is a time of civil war... The United Federation of Planets has split into two factions to create a war that has far reaching consequences in this alternate universe Star Trek simulation....

Starfleet, while looking to enforce it's military superiority, wants to make use of a newly invented, unique piece of technology that allows a vessel to travel to any alternate universe at will, and they are willing to go to any means to acquire it.

The Federation, while fighting for their freedom, wants to do everything they can to prevent Starfleet from getting their hands on this extremely dangerous technology, after learning about the implications that go along with it... This is where we come in!

The USS Seraphina was once a Starfleet Intelligence vessel, working from the shadows to keep the United Federation of Planets safe from the unknown, but now we work for the Federation.

Come join us as we fight for freedom, the Black Ops way! Undercover operations, infiltration missions, intelligence gathering, cloak & dagger, spying, and all manner of neat little toys are just part of the fun, as we fight against Starfleet for all the right reasons!

Top open positions include:

Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Marine Commanding Officer
Lounge Manager
and more!

Commodore Darok D'Tal
Commanding Officer
USS Seraphina