Hullo denizens of Theta Fleet!
As some of you may or may not know, I recently took charge of the USS Republic, the finest ship in all the Quadrants!
To this end, I've decided on having a bit of a graphical revamp, but therein stumble upon my first obstacle. I am the worst person ever when it comes to graphics and pictures and fiddly things like that. Look at my sig. LOOK AT IT! It took me a good hour to get it that way. Something that simple. So, because I don't want my splash page to have two stick figures and a ship that looks like an oval with some rectangles attached, I was wondering if there are some skilled peoples out their with kind hearts.
Also! Is this even in the right forum?
Graphics Requests
Moderator: Demetri Ivanov
- Rear Admiral
- Posts: 86
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:38 pm
Graphics Requests

Commodore Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer, USS Jefferson.

Captain Piers Figes
Commanding Officer, Starbase Phoenix.
Insert witty quote here...
Re: Graphics Requests
1) No, it wasn't the right forum, but I moved it easy enough so no harm, no foul.
2) What kind of graphics are you looking for? I've been known to dabble a bit and might be able to toss a picture or two your way if I knew what you had in mind.
2) What kind of graphics are you looking for? I've been known to dabble a bit and might be able to toss a picture or two your way if I knew what you had in mind.
- Rear Admiral
- Posts: 86
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:38 pm
Re: Graphics Requests
Nothing exceptionally fancy. An image that combines a portrait, and image of the ship in question and some text. One as a display picture for the Main page of the simm and another for use as a banner. Neither would be required exceptionally quickly, we're still a little way away from where we need to be to require the images ...

Commodore Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer, USS Jefferson.

Captain Piers Figes
Commanding Officer, Starbase Phoenix.
Insert witty quote here...